Wuḍūʾ in School

Question: If for example I was in school and I had broken my wudu while wearing my normal socks I had on since I made wudu before. The school only has high sinks and even the Muslim teachers have said to not wash our feet in the sinks. Would it be permissible for me...

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New Minā

Question: Dear Mufti, Assalamu alaikum, The Saudi authorities have merged a considerable area of Muzdalifa into Mina property and named it as New Mina and lodge pilgrims in this area as Mina itself. However many hajis returning from Arafat in Haj also spend the night...

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Giving Interest Money In Ṣadaqah

Question: Assalamu alaikum In my bank account i have some interest money. Can i give that money to the poor people or needy people. The needy can be in my family. Or they should be not in my family (Question published as received) Answer: In the name of Allāh, the...

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