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Buyū‘ (Finance & Trade)

Query on Property Distribution

Question: Country: Pakistan Salam. My late father promised my late uncle that after selling his property he would give him 1 crore pkr. At the time of promise the value of property was 14 crores...

Cricket Tournament Fees

Question: As-salamu 'alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh Mufti Sahab if we play a cricket tournament with a particular team and it is pre-decided before the match commences that the winning team...

Working as an Environment Artist

Question: Country: India Can I become a 3D environment artist i.e. just make 3D environment that includes mountain, trees, oceans, some building and no human or living creature... and work in gaming...

Fruit Picking Farms

Question: Country: South Africa السلام عليكم In a close by town there is a strawberry farm where visitors pay a set entrance fee and are allowed to pick and eat as much or as little of strawberries...


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