Ruling on the Excrement of Ḥalāl Animals
Question: Assalamu alaykum I wanted to know the ruling for the stool of Ḥalāl animals. Is it Najāsah Ghalīẓah (heavy impurity) or Najāsah Khafīfah (light impurity)? If there is Ikhtilāf then kindly explain what is the preferred view? Jazakallah Answer: In the name of...
Ṣadaqah Box Query
Question: As-Salaam Alaikum, I trust you are well. I have a question regarding a Mosque Organisation (The Trust) that I help to run. The Trust collects donations from members of the public and uses them for community projects which they run, food, general maintenance...
Building on or below the Masjid
By Mufti Husain Kadodia Question: Muslim communities in Europe often buy large multi- storey buildings and convert them into masjids. Once the purchase is complete, the entire ground floor is often demarcated as non-masjid, while the floor or floors directly above are...
Sitting Between Two Khuṭbahs
Question: Country: United States As salamu alaikum, Is the sitting between the two surmons obligatory in the jumuah khutbah? Answer: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. It is sunnah for the khaṭīb to sit between the two khuṭbahs for a (very)...
Divorce Vow Before Marriage
Question: Country: Bangladesh Another brother's Question: "As salaam alay kum, I have two related question about divorce and would appreciate if you can please answer at your convenience: Question 1. Divorce vow BEFORE marriage Many months back I read a fatwa on some...
Becoming a Professional Boxer
Question: In my previous job i have had a very hard time performing my salah on time despite trying very hard to perform my salah on time, there were times i missed my salah. Even looking into other jobs i find i will have the same problem and miss some salah. Based...
Congregational Du‘ā’ After Ṣalāh
Question: Country: Bangladesh Is it permissible for the imam to do a collective dua with the muqtadis after salah? Answer: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. After quoting numerous excerpts from Ḥadīth and the books of fiqh, Muftī Rashīd Aḥmad...
Which Way Should the Imām Face After Ṣalāh?
Question: Country: United Kingdom After the fardh salah of fajr and asr the imam normally turns around and faces the people but after the other salahs he does not, the reason being that there are sunan to pray after the fardh. What is the ruling regarding this...
Query on Raising the Finger in Tashahhud
Question: Assalamu alaykum Mufti Sb What is the correct method of Tashahhud? After raising the finger, do we drop the finger down totally or leave it slightly hovering? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The most correct method is to...