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Ḥanafī Ruling on Women Cutting Their Hair Short

Question: Country: United Kingdom Assalaamu alaykum, I want to cut my hair for two reasons: better hair growth and adornment. I am married, and I have asked my husband if I can cut and dye my hair....

Valley of Rawḥāʾ

Question: What is the significance of the well & valley of Al Rawha, which is situated between Madinah & Badr? It is believed that the water from this well grants has a particular barakah...

Response to Ḥadīth Rejectors

Question: What is our response to Hadeeth rejectors below: “What is important to understand is that only Allâh will explain His Book and not anyone else. The following ayah (verse) makes that...

Difference Between Backbiting and Complaining

Question: What is the difference between Backbiting and Complaining? My friend was creating problem for me, I told other friends that he is doing so and so to me, Now the friend who created problem...

Wuḍūʾ in School

Question: If for example I was in school and I had broken my wudu while wearing my normal socks I had on since I made wudu before. The school only has high sinks and even the Muslim teachers have...

New Minā

Question: Dear Mufti, Assalamu alaikum, The Saudi authorities have merged a considerable area of Muzdalifa into Mina property and named it as New Mina and lodge pilgrims in this area as Mina itself....

Ḥāfiẓah Leading Tarāwīḥ Ṣalāh at Home

Question: Is it permissible for a woman who is a hafiz to lead tarawih salah for the ladies in the house so she can revise her hifz and the family also get a chance to listen to the quran? (Question...

Remuneration for Leading Tarāwīḥ Ṣalāh

Question: I am a hafiz. I have been invited to a masjid to lead tarawih salah only. This masjid normally gives the huffaz money at the end of the month. Am I allowed to take it? Someone told me it...

Secret Marriage with a Convert and Three Talaqs

Question: Country: Bangladesh My sister is a practicing Muslim. But she had an illicit relationship with a non-believer man. When we urged my sister to get married, the man converted to Islam. But...


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