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Query on Property Distribution

Question: Country: Pakistan Salam. My late father promised my late uncle that after selling his property he would give him 1 crore pkr. At the time of promise the value of property was 14 crores...

Tariqah of Imam al-Ghazali

Question: As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah What silsila and tariqa was Imam Ghazali rahmatullah alayh a part of? I am aware that all four are correct means towards marifah, but as we are studying...

Ṣadaqat al-Fiṭr in Cash

Question: Country: United Kingdom There are an increasing number of salafi articles saying that zakat-ul-fitr can only be given in the form of food and not cash. Can you address this? Is it...

Silk Clothing for Men

Question: How much Silk percentage does Imam Abu Hanifa allow to have in one’s clothes? Can I wear a shirt which has less percentage of silk in the fabric? (Question published as received) Note: The...

Wearing a Watch in Ṣalāh

Question: Country: Pakistan Is it allowed to wear metal or steel watch during namaz? (Question published as received) Answer: In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful It is...

Query on Sajdah Sahw

Question: Country: India Assalamu alaikum, I have read from heavenly ornaments that sajda sahw become wajib if I recite fatiha or tasshud twice. So, what if I repeated the last three to four words...

Reciting Qur’ān Aloud in Audible Prayers

Question: Country: South Africa When praying alone in loud prayer can u recite aloud? (Question published as received) Answer: In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful When one is...

Maximum Period of Breastfeeding

Question: What is the maximum period of breastfeeding according to the hanafi madhab? Is it 2 years or 2.5 years? (Question published as received) Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious,...

Ṣalāh and Food in the UAE

Question: Country: United Arab Emirates I live in uae. I follow hanafi. Over here according to hanafi, people say that we should not perform Salah in different madhab Masjid such as wahabi it will...


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