Secret Marriage with a Convert and Three Talaqs
Question: Country: Bangladesh My sister is a practicing Muslim. But she had an illicit relationship with a non-believer man. When we urged my sister to get married, the man converted to Islam. But my father didn’t give his approval for marriage as he was tensed about...
Transferring a Dead Body to Another Country
Question: Asalaamu alaykum I pray you’re well with khayr and best of health. I wanted some advice for someone else as I know it is not allowed to send the body over to another country for burial and should be buried where you passed away. Sending the body to another...
Giving Interest Money In Ṣadaqah
Question: Assalamu alaikum In my bank account i have some interest money. Can i give that money to the poor people or needy people. The needy can be in my family. Or they should be not in my family (Question published as received) Answer: In the name of Allāh, the...
Disposing of Papers which have the Name of Rasūlullāh (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) on them
Question: I am working in Registration Organization where thousands of people came for their registration needs. for this purpose we submitt them a Form containing credentials of said applicant. Said form also contain the name of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa Slallah HO...
Qirā’ah Behind The Imām
Question: Assalam walykum sheikh. My question is what do we recite behind imam in the fard of zuhr and asr and third rakah of maghrib and the third and fourth rakah of isha do we recite fatihah or remain silent because the prophet said there is no prayer for the one...
Tarāwīḥ Ṣalāh by a Minor
Question: My Son is now 10 years old and Al-hamdullillah has completed Hifz Quran-e-majeed. Can he lead Taraweeh Namaaz during coming Ramazan (1438H, 2017G) even though if he has not reached his adulthood ? Will his Imamat effect the namaaz of Muqtadi. Jazakallah...
Sleeping Before Tahajjud
Question: Assalam Alaikum wrwb!! I want to know is it compulsory for tahujad Salah to sleep before? If a person awakes till 3 am can he/she then perform the Salah? I have heard from many people’s that it’s necessary to sleep before. Pls give me the authentic answer....
Query on Rafʿ al-Yadayn
Question: Country: India Assalamu ‘alaykum, my question is in regards to Raf’ al-Yadayn. I follow Imam Abu Hanifa’s school of thought and was having a discussion with one of my friends. The outcome of the discussion was that I reached to a 3 point question as below:...
Building Wells With Zakāh Money
Question: Country: France Salam I got question regarding zakat. Can I use zakat money to dig a well for the poor peoples who don’t have a water near? JazakAllah (Question published as received) Answer: In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Zakāh...