Reciting Qur’ān Aloud in Audible Prayers

Question: Country: South Africa When praying alone in loud prayer can u recite aloud? (Question published as received) Answer: In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful When one is performing those ṣalāhs wherein the qur’ān is recited loudly alone,...

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Maximum Period of Breastfeeding

Question: What is the maximum period of breastfeeding according to the hanafi madhab? Is it 2 years or 2.5 years? (Question published as received) Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful There is a difference of opinion in the ḥanafī madhhab...

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Ṣalāh and Food in the UAE

Question: Country: United Arab Emirates I live in uae. I follow hanafi. Over here according to hanafi, people say that we should not perform Salah in different madhab Masjid such as wahabi it will not be valid. In this case what I should do as jamat is compulsory for...

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Placing Headstones on Graves

Question: We thought we’d just put his name and date of death on the headstone but some of the others were saying to put some Arabic on it. I think it’s wrong but I just wanted to ask and also wanted to ask that we shouldn’t plant anything on dadas grave in it....

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Giving Zakāh to one’s Mother in Law

Question: Salam Mufti, is it permissible for a person to give zakah to their mother in law? (Question published as received) Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful It is permissible to give zakāh to one’s mother in law provided she is...

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‘Umrah and Menses

Question: Country: India Assalamualaikum, I had a question regarding the impurity of menstruation while going to perform umrah, a woman in her periods/impure state is in ihram and crosses meeqat and stays in hotel in makkah as she cannot perform umrah, does she have...

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Entering into Iḥrām before Mīqāt

Question: I plan to visit KSA for Umrah. I plan to fly from UK to Jeddah and stay there one night. Thereafter next day, visit Mecca to perform Umrah. Do I need to wear Ihram before reaching Jeddah or Don the ihraam next day at Miqat since I plan to stay there one...

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Query on 3 Divorces

Question: Dear Mufti Sahib Please can you give me a Fatwa on what the ruling is regarding the below incident Has 3 Talaq happened or not. If it has what must the husband and wife do now. -------------------------------------------------- All praise be to Allah The...

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