Ḥanafī Ruling on Women Cutting Their Hair Short
Question: Country: United Kingdom Assalaamu alaykum, I want to cut my hair for two reasons: better hair growth and adornment. I am married, and I have asked my husband if I can cut and dye my hair. He has allowed me and has stated that he would prefer my hair to be...
The Ruling on Mawlid
By Mufti Zameelur Rahman When considering the permissibility or otherwise of the “Mawlid”, it is necessary to define what is meant by “Mawlid”. “Mawlid” can be used in two different senses: 1. Gatherings in which the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ is extolled and glorified, by...
Valley of Rawḥāʾ
Question: What is the significance of the well & valley of Al Rawha, which is situated between Madinah & Badr? It is believed that the water from this well grants has a particular barakah & gives shifa to the drinker. Is it correct that the Prophet (Allah...
Response to Ḥadīth Rejectors
Question: What is our response to Hadeeth rejectors below: “What is important to understand is that only Allâh will explain His Book and not anyone else. The following ayah (verse) makes that abundantly clear. 1. The Explanation of Al-Qur’ân Is by Allâh (God) Alone:...
Difference Between Backbiting and Complaining
Question: What is the difference between Backbiting and Complaining? My friend was creating problem for me, I told other friends that he is doing so and so to me, Now the friend who created problem to me, is going and telling every one that I'm backbitting about him....
Wuḍūʾ in School
Question: If for example I was in school and I had broken my wudu while wearing my normal socks I had on since I made wudu before. The school only has high sinks and even the Muslim teachers have said to not wash our feet in the sinks. Would it be permissible for me...
New Minā
Question: Dear Mufti, Assalamu alaikum, The Saudi authorities have merged a considerable area of Muzdalifa into Mina property and named it as New Mina and lodge pilgrims in this area as Mina itself. However many hajis returning from Arafat in Haj also spend the night...
Ḥijāb and The Erosion of Ḥayāʾ
In recent years, it has been observed that the Muslim Ummah is experiencing an influx of fitan (trials and tribulations). It is becoming extremely difficult to hold firmly onto the pure and pristine teachings of Islām. A large number of Muslims, with the support of...
Fidyah Poster 1445 / 2024
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