By Mufti Zameelur Rahman When considering the permissibility or otherwise of the “Mawlid”, it is necessary to define what is meant by “Mawlid”. “Mawlid” can be used in two different senses: 1....
Research & Articles
Ḥijāb and The Erosion of Ḥayāʾ
In recent years, it has been observed that the Muslim Ummah is experiencing an influx of fitan (trials and tribulations). It is becoming extremely difficult to hold firmly onto the pure and pristine...
Hadith Proofs for the Hanafi Procedure of Witr
By: Shaykh Abul Hasan (Darul Tahqiq) This is a collection of hadith proofs for the Hanafi method of Witr. It is divided into five sections: 1. The first section is on the evidences for Witr...
Witr in the Ḥaram: Response to Ml. Yusuf Shabbir (Islamic Portal)
By: Mufti Zameelur Rahman I have been asked to address the following piece: * The article is misleading on several points. On the classical...
Tariqah of Imam al-Ghazali
Question: As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah What silsila and tariqa was Imam Ghazali rahmatullah alayh a part of? I am aware that all four are correct means towards marifah, but as we are studying...
A Simple Format for ʿIbādah on Auspicious nights
Our Beloved Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) has mentioned: “Indeed your Rabb has reserved certain special moments in time (in which He emits abundant/special mercy). Be sure to avail yourselves...
Etiquettes of Reciting the Noble Qur’ān
Whenever we recite or study the Qur’ān, it is important to do so with the utmost respect and while maintaining proper etiquette and decorum. Allah (Exalted and Sublime is He) states in the Qur’ān:...
How to Spend the Blessed Month of Ramaḍān
By Hadhrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat The ‘Ulamā have stated that how we spend the whole week depends on how we spend the day of Jumu‘ah. If one spends the day of Jumu‘ah in obedience to Allāh...
True Appreciation of Rajab
By Hadhrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat With the advent of Rajab, the seventh month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims remember the great miracle of the Beloved Nabī of Allāh ta‘ālā, the Mi‘rāj,...
Virtues (Faḍāʾil) of the Qurʾān
The Qurʾān is the sacred and divine speech of Allāh. It has always been a source of benefit and inspiration for its reciters. There are numerous accounts of individuals affected by the Qurʾān in a...