Muftī Muḥammd Shafī‘ (1897 – 1976) narrates the following statement from his father, Mawlānā Muḥammad Yāsīn Deobandī (1865 – 1936) [1], about his experience at Dārul ‘Ulūm Deoband in the late...
Recipe for a Successful Marriage
By Mufti Ebrahim Desai (ḥafiẓahullah) Q: Every human being by nature has an instinct to dispute. This instinct becomes more manifest between the husband and wife, thus leading to marital disputes....
The Value of Humanity in Islam
By Hadhrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Following atrocities committed in the name of Islām, such as those in Paris, once again misconceptions regarding Islām and Muslims make the headlines and...
The Gravity of Issuing Fatāwā (1)
Introduction We are living in a time when many unqualified individuals tend to express their views on Islam. And likewise, those people who have not studied the rulings of Islam, its jurisprudence,...