Question: I have 2 questions regarding the udhiyyah. Is it sunnah or obligatory (fard). And if I did not offer my qurbani years ago do I have to make up for it by qada? Answer: In the name of Allah,...
Dhabā’iḥ & Uḍḥiyyah
Removing Unwanted Hair in the First 10 Days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah
Question: Country: Bangladesh This will be more than 40 days in 10th of Dhu’l-Hijjah and I had forgotten to cut my pubic hair before Dhu’l-Hijjah starts. I had already intended to offer a sacrifice...
Qurbānī of Animals Born Without Horns
Question: Is it suitable to slaughter a goat without horn by birth for qurbani? Answer: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. It is both suitable and permissible for qurbānī....